New Patients

Practice Policy

Appointment Policy
Our practice endeavors to schedule appointments convenient for your child when time is available.  Infants, toddlers, and preschoolers should be seen in the morning when they are well rested, alert, and cooperative.  Therefore, to have an effective appointment, young children should not be seen around nap times.  School age children who require treatment should also be seen in the morning for the same reason and will enable our dentist to take her time to work at a pace comfortable for your child.  Dental appointments are excused absences and a letter can be provided for your child’s teacher upon request.

For your added convenience during the school year, we will offer early morning hours before the start of school as well as late evening hours to accommodate older children who may have after-school extracurriculars and/or sports.  Please keep in mind that appointments after 5:00pm are reserved for older children over 12 years old.

Tardiness/Cancellation Policy
Appointment times are reserved exclusively for your child so that our team can dedicate ourselves to address your child’s specific needs.  Therefore, we want to ensure that your child receive the full time blocked for him/her.  If you are more than 10 minutes late to the appointment, please understand that we may not be able to complete everything that is planned for the appointment and in the event that multiple children are scheduled, we may not be able to accommodate all siblings in the appointed time.  This is out of respect for all of our patients with scheduled appointments so that each child will get the full allotted time he/she deserves.  We understand that traffic happens, tantrums happen, illness happens, and kids just being kids can cause you to run late to the appointment; please call us and we will work with you in finding a solution that is best for your child.

We appreciate your punctuality and in turn, we strive to be on time for our patients.  However, sometimes a child may require extra attention or an emergency may come up, which will require more of our attention and time.  We ask for your patience and empathy in such instances.

Kindly provide at least 24 hours notice for any appointment that needs to be rescheduled.  Appointments cancelled less than 24 hours and patients who do not show to their appointments without any notice may be subject to a cancellation fee.

Multiple last minute cancellations (under 24 hours) and/or multiple no-shows may be an indicator that our practice is not the right fit for you and if necessary, we will suggest appropriate alternatives that may be more convenient for you in terms of location and/or hours.

We understand that emergencies do come up and we are happy to work with you in rescheduling your child’s appointment.  Please do not hesitate to call us if there is a true emergency and we will assist you in finding a better appointment time.

Insurance Policy
Dental Insurance is very different from Medical Insurance hence many patients are not familiar with the specifics of their dental benefits.  Therefore, it is highly recommended that you review the insurance benefit package provided by your employer, which should detail the dental benefits that are included in your insurance plan.  Your copayment responsibility for dental procedures varies depending on the coverage specific to your dental insurance plan as negotiated between your employer and the insurance company.

Our team is happy to assist you in understanding your policy.  To best assist you, please submit your dental and/or medical insurance information to us at least 2 business days prior to your first appointment.  This allows us time to verify your eligibility and obtain a breakdown of your benefits.

Based on the information the insurance company provides, an estimate of the amount covered by your insurance company as well as the portion that you will be expected to pay at the time of service will be available to you prior to treatment.  Please keep in mind that this estimate is never a guarantee of benefits or the amount that will actually be paid by the insurance company.

As a courtesy to our patients, our practice will file all insurance claims.  However, this does not transfer the responsibility of your financial obligation to the insurance company.  If there is a discrepancy in the amount paid by the insurance company compared to the initial estimate, then you will be billed for the difference in the event of underpayment or your account will be credited the difference in the event of an overpayment.

Please let us know of any questions regarding our financial policies or financing options prior to your treatment.

Office Forms

For your convenience, an email will be generated to provide you with a link to access the Patient Portal to complete all required forms online prior to your child’s appointment. If you are a new patient, please click to activate the link within 24 hours and you may save your progress and return to the forms later. If the link does not work because it has been more than 24 hours since the link was emailed to you, then please contact our office and a new link will be emailed to you. Kindly complete and submit all required forms online at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. If you are unable to complete the forms online prior to your new patient visit, please arrive 20 minutes early to your appointed time to complete the forms in the office. Please call us for further assistance if you encounter any problems.

Please click on the following link to access the Patient Portal any time after your initial visit:

Online Forms to Complete

  • New patients: New Patient Form | Health History Form | Appointment & Financial Policy Acknowledgement | Agreement to Receive Digital Communication | Photo Release Form | Alternate Guardian Consent
  • Returning patients: Medical History Update

Read Only

  • HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices

Optional Information

  • Special Needs Questionnaire | Release
    of Records
  • Special Needs Questionnaire | Release of Records


To address a dental emergency during business hours, please call our practice at 205-403-5423 and a staff member will address your concerns and appropriately schedule your child to be seen.  For dental emergencies after hours, please call our practice and you will be forwarded to the emergency line. Please have your child’s name, date of birth, a brief description of the dental emergency, and the TIME when any trauma may have occurred.  Dr. Quyen will return your call and if able, she will personally see your child at the office to address the emergency within a reasonable time frame.

If there is a medical emergency, please dial 911 or bring your child directly to the emergency room to seek immediate medical attention.

How to Find us

We are located at the end of Stonegate Drive, which branches off from Urban Center Parkway in Liberty Park.

There is ample parking but 4 designated spaces in front of our practice are reserved for our patients and their families. We have a direct entrance on the side of the building so please follow signs from the sidewalk to this entrance.

If you are coming from the NORTH...
  • Take I-459 S and exit at Liberty Parkway (Exit 23).
  • Make a left at the end of the ramp onto Overton Access Road.
  • At the stoplight, turn right onto Overton Road which will become Liberty Parkway.
  • When you are at the intersection where the Statue of Liberty replica is, make a left onto Urban Center Parkway.
  • Turn left onto Stonegate Drive at the second Stop sign.
  • Our practice is in the glass building on the left at the end of the road.
If you are coming from the SOUTH...
  • Take I-459 N and exit at Liberty Parkway (Exit 23).
  • Make a right at the of the ramp onto Overton Access Road.
  • At the stoplight, turn right onto Overton Road which will become Liberty Parkway.
  • When you are at the intersection where the Statue of Liberty replica is, make a left onto Urban Center Parkway.
  • Turn left onto Stonegate Drive at the second Stop sign.
  • Our practice is in the glass building on the left at the end of the road.
If you are coming from the EAST...
  • Take I-20 W and exit onto I-459 S (Exit 136).
  • Take I-459 S and exit at Liberty Parkway (Exit 23).
  • Make a left at the end of the ramp onto Overton Access Road.
  • At the stoplight, turn right onto Overton Road which will become Liberty Parkway.
  • When you are at the intersection where the Statue of Liberty replica is, make a left onto Urban Center Parkway.
  • Turn left onto Stonegate Drive at the second Stop sign.
  • Our practice is in the glass building on the left at the end of the road.


We are proud to serve the dental needs of children in Vestavia Hills, Mountain Brook, Irondale, Birmingham, Leeds, Moody and the surrounding communities.

1950 Stonegate Drive, Suite 100,
Vestavia Hills, AL 35242

Email: [email protected]
Fax: 1-855-438-0697 (toll-free)



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